What is Kinesiology?

Natural Healing

Kinesiology (kin-easy-ology) is a natural healing modality and it could be best described as a language that communicates directly to the body. 

It combines modern day techniques with eastern wisdom and it recognises the importance of body, mind and spirit in health and healing.  Kinesiology is based in the study of anatomy and physiology and works on the premise that the body has an innate healing energy and is always doing its best to take care of itself. 

Kinesiology has developed into an effective tool for identifying the elements which inhibit the body’s natural healing processes. In today’s world we are constantly faced with challenging and stressful situations in our daily lives, stress can come in all different forms – physical, emotional, psychological, environmental, nutritional and chemical.  Stress can also take its toll in less obvious ways such as intense physical exertion, an argument with a loved one, pressure at work, an unhappy relationship, a poor diet or injury / pain.

Kinesiology identifies the causative influences triggering health imbalances and emphasises health maintenance, by helping the body into a better position to heal itself it can help reduce stress and improve health and well being.

Achieving Goals

Kinesiology can also bring a person closer to achieving any goal of their choice such as – improving sport performance, enhancing relationships and learning, or just coping better with life generally.

Kinesiology can have a significant impact on a wide range of personal and health issues.  It allows you to achieve your optimum potential and can transform your well being.  It can enrich your relationships, increase self confidence and vitality and lead you to living a full, happy and successful life.


We all want to live a more balanced life, and one of kinesiology’s aims is to help us find imbalances in our body so that we can work towards finding a sense of equilibrium.

How does it work?

The brain and nervous system hold all the information about your entire body and mind including how and why energy imbalances occur. The body never forgets.  We ‘file’ all of our past experiences, emotions, stresses, fears and unfulfilled expectations in our mind and body.

Kinesiology is able to access these ‘files’ and although we are unable to change what happened in the past, we can assist with how it may be affecting you now and potentially in the future. Drawing on Chinese philosophies, Kinesiology has close links with the acupuncture concept of energy flow and recognises the integral relationship between the flow of energy in a meridian and its related muscles, organs, tissues and emotions.  These energy flows can be evaluated by ‘muscle monitoring’ which in turn reflect the body’s overall state of balance.

As a result of unresolved stress as mentioned above, the energy flow is interrupted and the whole body is affected. These energy flows can be evaluated by testing the function of the muscles which in turn reflect the body’s overall state of physical / structural, chemical, nutritional and emotional balance.

Muscle monitoring

Muscle monitoring is a natural feedback system which receives information via nerve pathways and the meridian system; it ‘logs into’ the subconscious bio-computer (brain) and body. By placing specific muscles into a position where the integrity, not the strength, of that muscle can be monitored and by asserting gentle pressure upon the limb, an indication will be given as to whether stress is being held in the body.

How can it help me?

A truly wonderful aspect of this amazing modality is that it is suitable to anyone and any age, even young kids and babies.
Kinesiology enables people to detect and correct imbalances in the body that relate to a whole range of health and well being issues, it can successfully assist with:

  • Stress release and anxiety

  • Pain reduction and managementMortar Pestle

  • Digestive disorders

  • Nutrition sensitivities

  • Learning and behavioural difficulties

  • Emotional imbalances

  • Depression

  • Fears or confusion

  • Muscle and sporting injuries

  • Goal achievement

  • Relationship difficulties

  • Weight loss

  • Skin disorders

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Sleeping problems

  • Personal development

  • Confidence and self esteem

  • Overcoming past traumas

  • Restoring energy and vitality

  • If you’re just feeling stuck and need direction


What techniques are used?

Kinesiology has a significant impact on a wide range of health and well being issues. Our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, food, chemicals, stress and our environment all influence our overall energy, health and well being.

Kinesiology uses natural remedies to diffuse stress and bring the body back into a state of balance. Aromatherapy, flower essences, gem essences, acupressure, nutritional support as well as over 500 simple yet specific correction techniques are all used to clear stress in the body’s energy systems.