My Story

Over 20 years ago, I was living in Port Douglas feeling lost, unhappy and directionless. The relationships I entered into weren’t loving or happy and I felt like I was living a ‘surface’ existence. I didn’t know who I was and I had developed unhealthy coping mechanisms to suppress my feelings, emotions and past trauma.

Then I had my first kinesiology session and it changed my life.

Having such a profound impact on my life and using the tools kinesiology had taught me as a client, I began turning my life around. I moved back to Melbourne with my daughter, Phoenix, and passionately embarked on studying kinesiology – the modality that changed my life. The study I undertook started with being a 1st year student and continued all the way to becoming a Senior International Faculty Instructor and accredited mentor to kinesiology students.

Me, PJ.jpg

Now I have been running my kinesiology business for over 15 years and have a passion for learning as much as possible about human emotions and behaviour. I have gone on to study other modalities that complement kinesiology including Total Body Modification (TBM) 1, 2 & 3, Eating & Nutrition Psychology, Shamanic Ceremonialist, Shamanic Magician® Training, Soul Constellations®, Ceremonial & Sacred Space Holding, Metaphysical Anatomy, Quantum Neurology and Applied Glands & Hormones.

I also have qualifications in Training & Assessment and I’m also a qualified Bookkeeper. I don’t envisage my learning will ever stop.

I have created and developed a 6 month Shamanic Kinesiology Mentoring & Training program which is my passion so that I can continue with my passion of teaching and mentoring and guiding students on their journey to becoming a successful Kinesiology practitioner and business owner.

I look forward to working with you and seeing you embark on your life-changing journey.

Bianca x


Inspiration and momentum comes from being in the state of flow.
If you’re not feeling inspired, you’re not in a state of flow.


What I stand for

There are some principles that I stand by both in my work with you as a client and my own approach to life. I hold these very close to my heart and they are at the core of my personal and professional work.

  • I am passionate about empowering you, bringing you to a higher awareness of the factors that inhibit you from being your best possible self. With empathy and understanding, I bring you to a place of choice, enabling you to live a full, happy and successful life.

  • My role is to assist you by bringing you into alignment with your true and authentic self. I facilitate and guide you so you can identify the belief systems, programs, behaviours, wounds, sabotages and blocks that hold you back from being in alignment on all levels.

  • I show you how doing what you love allows you to give 100% and keep you excited while doing it. When you find your soul purpose, you can use your passion to propel you through life, navigating all its challenges.

  • What we see for ourselves is what we will manifest in life. This is the law of attraction. But action is key and determination is paramount. I promote having a clear vision, a goal and going for it.

  • I walk the talk. Much of what my clients have been through, I’ve found a way through myself.

  • I take pride in looking after my health and energy so that I can sustain and hold space for all my clients while maintaining my own equilibrium.

  • I constantly push myself beyond my comfort zone so that I grow and expand as a person. This includes my passion for constant learning and updating my skills so that I can deliver the best possible version of myself.

  • I ensure that I surround myself with the my tribes and soul family who are a constant support and provide a mirror for me so that I can become the best possible version of myself.


Bianca Jewell

Advanced Diploma in Kinesiology and International Diploma in Kinesiology
Post Graduate Diploma in Kinesiopractic®
Senior International Faculty Instructor
Registered Clinic Supervisor and Clinic Mentor with the AKA & Registered Mentor with the AIK
Level 5 Registered Practitioner with the AKA

Shamanic Magician® with The White Dragon Lineage